Jeremy Foo

Jeremy Foo Profile Photo

Global Head of Gaming, TriliTech

Jeremy is an experienced gaming industry leader with deep experience in strategy, operations, and investment. Today, he leads the gaming vertical at TriliTech, and is responsible for the success of gaming on the Tezos blockchain.

Previously, he has successfully guided senior management at Sea Group on key strategic initiatives. He also drove major investment deals, improved the monetization of Garena Free Fire, and led the League of Legends publishing team in Thailand. As a passionate gamer, he adopts a first principles understanding of gaming trends.

May 10, 2024

Is it Game Over for Web3 Gaming in 2024? TriliTech (Tezos Ecosystem) Global Head of Gaming Says No | Blockcast 25

From Diablo to FIFA to Final Fantasy to Pokemon, here at Blockhead, we're big fans of gaming. But despite our love for gaming and our ardent passion for Web3, blockchain gaming has yet to convince us to abandon our Articunos ...
Guest: Jeremy Foo