Collin Cheong

Collin Cheong Profile Photo

Co-founder, Trillion Network

Collin Cheong formerly led the Legal and Corporate Business Development function at Coinhako, Singapore’s market-leading crypto platform, and played a key role in facilitating the trading platform's regulatory licensing, business development, and strategic initiatives. Prior to joining Coinhako, Collin was a practicing lawyer at a leading magic circle law firm and had spent time in both the law firm’s Singapore and Beijing offices. During his tenure as a practicing lawyer, Collin frequently worked with multinational clients, private equity, and sovereign wealth funds and has extensive experience advising them on cross-border mergers, acquisitions, and investments.

Aug. 8, 2024

The Stable Future of Stablecoins With Trillion's Collin Cheong | Blockcast 36

From practising M&A law in Beijing and Singapore for various law firms to serving as the director of legal and corporate development at Coinhako, Collin Cheong is no stranger to navigating the legal minefield of deploying cap...
Guest: Collin Cheong